INGREDIENTES: Para 6 tortas de 800 gr. aproximadamente
750 g. de mantequilla
1 kg de azúcar
1 kg de harina de trigo
1 cda de nuez moscada
12 huevos
1 pizca de sal
1 cda de polvo de hornear
1 cda de bicarbonato de sodio
500 ml de leche liquida
2 cdas de canela en polvo
1 cda de clavo de olor
1 kg de frutas maceradas
1 y 1/2 taza de cacao en polvo
Vamos a engrasar y azucarar el molde y a precalentar el horno a 230º C. (La cantidad de moldes varia según el tamaño a usar. Si es una sola torta se usa un solo molde grande.) No se usa harina para el molde para que nuestra torta no salga con partes blanca.
Batimos la mantequilla con el azúcar hasta que blanquee y esté cremosa.
Separamos las claras de las yemas y reservamos. Agregamos a la mezcla de la mantequilla y el azúcar las yemas una a una. Sin dejar de batir, agregamos la harina previamente cernida con el polvo de hornear,y el resto de los polvos: el cacao, la canela, la nuez moscada y el clavo de olor alternando con la leche, siempre hay que comenzar con harina y terminar con harina. Luego agregamos un poquito del líquido de la maceración.
En otro recipiente (podemos usar un colador) agregamos los frutos macerados escurridos y espolvoreamos con un puñado de harina, moviendo un poco el recipiente para que llegue a la mayor cantidad de frutos posibles. Agregamos los frutos a la mezcla y unimos con la mezcla con una cuchara de madera o una lengua de plástico. El movimiento envolvente consiste en arrastrar lo que está en la parte de abajo del recipiente hacia arriba lenta y cuidadosamente, no se debe batir. Montamos las claras a punto de nieve y agregamos a la mezcla de la torta, con suavidad para no perder el aire. Llenamos el molde y al horno. Bajamos la temperatura a 200ºC y horneamos por 45 minutos aproximadamente o hasta que al introducir un palillo este salga seco. La temperatura y el tiempo puede variar dependiendo del horno de cada quien.
INGREDIENTS: For 6 cakes 800 gr. approximately
750 g. of butter
1 kg of sugar
1 kg of wheat flour
1 tablespoon nutmeg
12 eggs
1 pinch of salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon baking soda
500 ml of liquid milk
2 tbsp ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon cloves
1 kg of fruit macerated
1 and 1/2 cup cocoa powder
Let's grease and sweeten the mold and preheat the oven to 230 ° C. (The amount of molds vary according to size to use. If one cake a single large mold is used.) No flour is used to mold our cake does not leave white parts.
Beat butter with sugar until creamy and whiten.
We separate the whites from the yolks and set aside. Add to butter mixture and sugar yolks one by one. While beating, add the sifted flour with baking powder and other powders: cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves alternately with milk, you should always start with flour and end with flour. Then we add a little of the marinade.
In another bowl (you can use a colander) add the macerated fruit drained and sprinkle with a handful of flour, stirring a little container to reach as many potential benefits. Add the fruits to the mix and unite with the mixture with a wooden spoon or plastic tongue. The pincer movement is to drag what is at the bottom of the container up slowly and carefully, do not beat. We mounted the egg whites stiff and add to the cake mixture, gently to keep the air. We fill the mold and baked. Lower the temperature to 200 and bake for about 45 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out dry. The temperature and time may vary depending on the oven each.
Fotos referenciales.
INGREDIENTS: For 6 cakes 800 gr. approximately
750 g. of butter
1 kg of sugar
1 kg of wheat flour
1 tablespoon nutmeg
12 eggs
1 pinch of salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon baking soda
500 ml of liquid milk
2 tbsp ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon cloves
1 kg of fruit macerated
1 and 1/2 cup cocoa powder
Let's grease and sweeten the mold and preheat the oven to 230 ° C. (The amount of molds vary according to size to use. If one cake a single large mold is used.) No flour is used to mold our cake does not leave white parts.
Beat butter with sugar until creamy and whiten.
We separate the whites from the yolks and set aside. Add to butter mixture and sugar yolks one by one. While beating, add the sifted flour with baking powder and other powders: cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves alternately with milk, you should always start with flour and end with flour. Then we add a little of the marinade.
In another bowl (you can use a colander) add the macerated fruit drained and sprinkle with a handful of flour, stirring a little container to reach as many potential benefits. Add the fruits to the mix and unite with the mixture with a wooden spoon or plastic tongue. The pincer movement is to drag what is at the bottom of the container up slowly and carefully, do not beat. We mounted the egg whites stiff and add to the cake mixture, gently to keep the air. We fill the mold and baked. Lower the temperature to 200 and bake for about 45 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out dry. The temperature and time may vary depending on the oven each.
Fotos referenciales.
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